Passionate about the Human in its singularity, after the experience of an artistic exploration, I undertook studies in Clinical Psychology and Integrative Psychopathology at the University of Paris Descartes. I was thus able to acquire a solid and recognized foundation, to then turn to other less traveled paths. During my studies, I had the opportunity to study psychology as taught in Switzerland, at the University of Geneva, and to do an internship in a place full of life and humanity where care is based on mutual aid and sharing: the Therapeutic Community of Aubervilliers which welcomes residents with a substance use disorder, I subsequently worked with them. I also immersed myself in the hospital and maternity world during an internship at the maternity ward of the Franco-Brittany Hospital.
In continuing education, I also trained in psychotrauma with the LI (Lifespan Integration) approach , in the basics of Somatic Experiencing, motivational interviewing, in attachment issues in psychotherapy for adults and in the field of sacred sexuality, sexuality and intimacy, notably with the Institute for Relational Harmony Studies.
Driven by humanist currents, nourished among other things by psychotherapy, personal therapy in gestalt, PBQ and LI, nourished by my militant and associative commitments as well as my daily practice of meditation and somatic bodywork, my psychotherapeutic approach focused on LI integrates these different, complementary and interconnected fields of exploration and knowledge.